Efhre International University in joint collaboration with the European Cardiosafety Platform

Have you ever thought about how many sudden deaths from cardiac arrest are avoidable in all parts of the world? Only in Europe, about 300.000, more than 800 every day.

Now, Efhre International University (EIU) recognizes the effort of the companies to reduce the number of preventable deaths accrediting centres as International Cardiosafe Space (ICSS – EIU) that, following an audit process, wish to obtain such accreditation.


Do you want to certify a facility or company as INTERNATIONAL CARDIOSAFE SPACE?

Request it by filling in the following form


ICSS – EIU accreditation helps several Spaces prove to their clients, workers, that the internationally accepted CPR guidelines are implemented.

Accreditation as an International Cardiosafe Space is obtained by passing the control test of the ICSS 19112 Certification.

ICSS19112 certification consists of 2 signatures that authorize each of the 5 sections of Cardiosafe Space.

The importance of being accredited for assuring that an institution would recognise and attend a cardiorespiratory arrest, through the early use of an automatic external de-signet in a prudential time, increasing the possibility of survival.

International Cardiosafe Space accreditation is based on the control of FIVE differentiated sections:

DEFIBRILLATOR AND DISTRIBUTOR. Regulations, insurance and compliance with regulations for the sale of material.
INSTALLATION. Distribution, location and signage.
TRAINING. Training according to international recommendations on CPR (ILCOR (2015-2020)
MAINTENANCE. Expiry control
RENEWAL. Both the training of the rescuers and the validity of the patches and batteries.

The accreditation will be valid for 1 year and will be renewed once the application for Cardiosafe Space (Renewal) is resubmitted, and as long as the accreditation conditions continue to be fulfilled, the equipment is in perfect conditions of maintenance, and new training has been given (according to local regulations and ILCOR (2010-2015) recommendations.


CardioSafe Space
  • Universities, Institutes, Schools and Colleges
  • Technology Parks, Business Parks and Business Centers
  • Industrial and service companies (financial entities, …)
  • Tourist accommodation
  • Public/private sports facilities and public/private institutions
  • Town Halls, County Councils, State and autonomous governments
  • Geriatric Residences and Day Centers
  • Sports centres, golf courses, soccer fields, ski slopes, gyms
  • Shopping centres and chain stores
  • Thematic and leisure parks
  • Congress centres, Trade fairs
  • Passenger transport companies
  • Airports and stations, aeroplanes, buses, subway and boats
  • Hotels, hostels, campsites, spas
  • Museums, theatres, cinemas, nightclubs and show halls
  • Beaches and pools


The external automatic defibrillator (AED) is designed for those cases of cardiac arrest that occur outside the hospital centres because its simplicity of use means that non-medical personnel can safely and effectively manage the instructions for use that the defibrillator indicates in every step. Its use is indicated until a manual defibrillator and advanced life support are on the way, both in the prehospital setting and in the hospital setting. All people can use it, provided they have carried out a minimum training that will guide their use; that would be the best case, for its efficiency. However, in an emergency, anyone could use it, following the indications of the operator at the local number of medical emergencies (112, 911, 51111 … depends on the country). That could help save the life of the victim, although a specific training for its use, before the cardiac event, will always result in a better performance by the rescuer. If the victim turns in a ROSC (recovers heart rhythm, pulse and ventilation)  the victim should follow a chain of post-resuscitation care procedures well protocolized by experts.

From Efhre International University we encourage all people who wish to know to perform good CPR, basic life support and use and of the defibrillator, to enroll in a specific training course with international validity.

The AED will guide and help us in situations of vital emergency. When we place it on the victim, it evaluates the activity of the heart and clearly indicates what actions we should take. Although their orders are simple, direct and guidance, and helps the first responders to perform the resuscitation successfully, it is necessary to know their operation for an optimal result.

From Efhre International University we encourage all people who have a defibrillator close to know its operation or ask the person in charge of it.

Do you want to certify a company as INTERNATIONAL CARDIOSAFE SPACE?

Request it by filling out the following form